Contact CPQD

Access map:

Visualize CPQD on a bigger map

R. Dr. Ricardo Benetton Martins, 1.000 – Park II of the High Technology Center
CEP 13086-510 (exclusive CEP 13086-902) – Campinas – SP

Access to CPQD

São Paulo/CPQD via Anhangüera Highway

1. Take Rodovia Anhangüera to Exit 103B (access to Rodovia D. Pedro I).
2. On Rodovia D.Pedro I, go to Exit 135 and access Rodovia Campinas-Mogi-Mirim (Rodovia Adhemar de Barros – SP-340).
3. Pass by Condomínio Alphaville, at km 116 and by the electronic/radar panel at km 118.
4. Right ahead, make a return towards Campinas, following the sign for Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas.
5. After returning, take the first right towards Pólo II.
6. Enter the sign Pólis – Parking for visitors.

São Paulo/CPQD by Rodovia dos Bandeirantes

1. Follow Rodovia dos Bandeirantes until access to Rodovia Anhangüera.
2. Take Rodovia Anhangüera to Exit 103B (access to Rodovia D. Pedro I).
3. On Rodovia D.Pedro I, go to Exit 135 and access Rodovia Campinas-Mogi-Mirim (Rodovia Adhemar de Barros – SP-340).
4. Pass by Condomínio Alphaville, at km 116 and by the electronic/radar panel at km 118.
5. Right ahead, make a return towards Campinas, following the sign for Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas.
6. After returning, take the first right towards Pólo II.
7. Enter the sign Pólis – Parking for visitors.

São Paulo/CPQD via Rodovia Anhangüera/Rodovia Magalhães Teixeira

1. Follow Rodovia Anhangüera and take the first exit after the second toll booth, heading towards the capital-interior.
2. Access Rodoanel Magalhães Teixeira until you reach Rodovia D.Pedro I.
3. On Rodovia D.Pedro I, go to Exit 134 and access Rodovia Campinas-Mogi-Mirim (Rodovia Adhemar de Barros – SP-340).
4. Pass by Condomínio Alphaville, at km 116 and by the electronic/radar panel at km 118.
5. Right ahead, make a return towards Campinas, following the sign for Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas.
6. After returning, take the first right towards Pólo II.
7. Enter the sign Pólis – Parking for visitors.

Rio de Janeiro/CPQD by Presidente Dutra Highway

1. Take Rodovia Presidente Dutra and access Rodovia D.Pedro I.
2. On Rodovia D.Pedro I, go to Exit 134 and access Rodovia Campinas-Mogi-Mirim (Rodovia Adhemar de Barros – SP-340).
3. Pass by Condomínio Alphaville, at km 116 and by the electronic/radar panel at km 118.
4. Right ahead, make a return towards Campinas, following the sign for Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas.
5. After returning, take the first right towards Pólo II.
6. Enter the sign Pólis – Parking for visitors.
