Interação Inteligente
Voice technology and AI for different service channels.

Transform your service experience

Technological, humanized and efficient solution.

We combine AI and voice biometrics as an authentication factor to increase customer security. The ability to reproduce natural voice in high quality and precision in speech recognition, extract value from the voice and provide more fluidity and humanization in the service.

O CPQD helps your company revolutionize customer service.

the portfolio Interação Inteligente was developed to innovate in voice communication with the consumer, optimizing processes, reducing the TMA and the temwaiting period during calls.

Use voice and text intelligent virtual assistants to streamline your customer contact across multiple channels.

Count on tools for Cognitive IVRs, Artificial Intelligence and many more to transform the customer experience in your company.

Illustration Solution Interação Inteligente

fluent voice tool
in Portuguese and Spanish

Digital transformation and technology can
bring immediate results to your business.

technology solutions 100% national

  • Texto Fala (TTS)
    Texto Fala (TTS)

    Naturalness and expressiveness for your company's voice.

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  • Reconhecimento
    de Fala (STT/ASR)
    de Fala (STT/ASR)

    Convert audio to text in temfor real, via streaming.

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  • Transcrição de Diálogo
    Transcrição de Diálogo

    Transcribe conversations in texts and with chronologically separated speeches.

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  • Assistente Virtual
    Assistente Virtual

    Service on multiple channels with the construction of chat and voicebots.

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  • Biometria de Voz
    Biometria de Voz

    Security in customer authentication and optimization of your experience.

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  • NLU

    Create intelligent dialogs using natural language processing.

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Provide the best customer experience is the challenge to conquer your satisfaction

Offering a humanized interaction on digital channels is the answer. Offering a humanized interaction on digital channels is the answer.

Voice technologies – such as dialogue transcription and virtual assistants – provide more intuitive forms of interaction, in addition to allowing an innovative experience through personalization of service, self-service and automation of its different customer relationship channels.

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